May 06, 2021
CSIO, CDI-Y, CNC… We know it. C’s in equestrian sports can be confusing. It is easy to get them mixed up when they are so similar. However, they are practical for distinguishing different sports and understanding their differences.
The first C normally stands for Concours and then the rest varies according to the horse sport. In this article, we will help you understand the most common Cs you’ll see in showjumping, dressage or eventing competitions.
CSI stands for Concours de Saut International. These competitions are run under international FEI rules. They use a star system to distinguish them by speed and height. Also, FEI has specific guidelines regarding eligibility at CSI3*, 4* and 5* shows.
Grand Prixes are the highest level of showjumping. Horses jump a course of 10 to 16 obstacles, with heights up to 1.6 meters that spread up to 2 meters. These competitions include the Olympics, the World Equestrian Games and other internationally ranked events.
CDI stands for Concours de Dressage International. These are recognised by FEI, the governing body of equestrian sports. Just as in show jumping, dressage uses a star system to identify events. The star ratings also relate to the level of judges present or the prize money.
Small Tour – Prix St Georges (PSG) and Intermediate I.
Medium Tour – Intermediate A and Intermediate B.
Big Tour – Intermediate II, Grand Prix (GP), Grand Prix Special (GPS), and Grand Prix Freestyle (also referred to as Kur).
CDI-W, CDI-Y, CDI—U25, CDI-J, CDI-Ch, CDI-P, CDI-YH are similar to the case of showjumping, but instead of an ‘S’ for Saut (jumping), they included a ‘D’ for Dressage.
In dressage, judges also receive different stars to indicate what type of events they are qualified to judge. 5* is the top category and means they are qualified to judge all international competitions, while 2* is the newest one and it means they are licensed to judge a limited range of international competitions.
CCI stands for Concours Complet International. Events in this category normally last three days and follow FEI Rules.
There are four categories: 1*, 2*, 3* and 4*. These affect both horse and rider. CIC on the other hand stands for Concours International Combiné and is held over one day, meaning it is shorter. These have 3 stars.
Besides CCI and CIC, there are also CCN and CNC. These stand for national events, but the same applies: CCI is a three-day event and CNC a one-day event. The EV80, EV95 and EV105 classes are dedicated to children 8 to 13 years old.
Is everything a bit clearer? Understanding our Cs in horse competitions can be really useful to understand the level of difficulty riders experience. Leave us a comment on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!