The Olympic Modern Pentathlon Coach Kim Raisner received disciplinary action from UIPM while Annika Schleu was found not guilty.
Before reading this you might want to read what happened during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Modern Pentathlon.
This past Monday the UIPM Disciplinary Panel has announced the review of the events from the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics. As controversy has affected specifically the situation at the Women’s Modern Pentathlon Riding competition, this review has been long awaited by the equestrian community.
Video footage that showed Raisner appearing to strike Saint Boy became viral, as the UIPM, the governing body of the Modern Pentathlon, had to take measures to ensure horse welfare in modern pentathlon.
During the Tokyo Olympics, Germany’s coach Kim Raisner was seen punching a horse at the riding discipline. This was Saint Boy, ridden by Annika Schleu. The UIPM panel has found Raisner to violate the UIPM competition rules (Rule 4.6.8) and gave her a black card. This resulted in the automatic disqualification for the rest of the competition.
Now, the panel has also announced they have issued an official warning, meaning any repeat of her behaviour could result in the removal of her UIPM Coaches Certification Programme (CCP) credentials as well as the permission to coat at UIPM-sanctioned competitions.
Also, the panel has ordered Ms Raisner to attend a coach education seminar at the appropriate level containing a Humane Treatment of Animals module. This has to be at the earliest opportunity and prior to any participation in any UIPM-sanctioned competition.
On the other hand, Annika Schleu who represented Germany as an athlete was found not guilty. The athlete hit the horse excessively with whips and spurs after Saint Boy refused to jump at the competition. The verdict means no further action will be taken.
The UIPM Disciplinary Panel stated: “The Panel recognizes Ms Raisner's personal contributions over many years to the sport of Modern Pentathlon, both as an elite level athlete and national coach. Her athletic and professional record is one of exemplary behaviour, making the events of August 6 stand out as an anomaly.”
A newly empowered UIPM Riding Working Group will work towards modifying the rules in the new competition format for Paris 2024. The objective is to safeguard and ensure the health, safety and humane treatment of animals and athletes.
This group will review the Riding competition at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and discuss measures to prevent any repetition of the distressing scenes that happened during the Olympics.
The group includes five Olympians in total as well as some of the world’s leading Modern Pentathlon coaches, technical experts, course designers… The Riding Working Group will meet frequently online for meetings.
Do you feel the verdict was fair or not sufficient and further actions should be taken? Comment your opinion regarding this verdict on our social media, we are available on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.