At the beginning of August it was made official that until 2027 Barcelona would be the place where the final of the FEI Nations Cup Jumping would be held. It would be more than 10 years that the city of Barcelona celebrates one of the most important international equestrian competitions.
From Thursday September 28 to Sunday October 1 in the arena of the Real Club de Polo de Barcelona, we could enjoy 20 national teams, although only 15 of them faced each other to take the title of champion of the Nations Cup. The other 5 teams traveled to Barcelona to participate in the Challenge Cup (Saturday night event).
In addition, this was an opportunity for the teams that have not yet qualified for the 2024 Olympic Games to earn a place to go to Paris. While it is true that the American teams will have one last chance to earn an Olympic berth at the Pan American Games in Santiago, this Nations Cup Final represented the last chance for Italy and Uzbekistan.
The teams that participated in this competition were the following: Argentina, Australia, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Palestine, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United States and Uzbekistan.
Brazil finished in fourth position and, because the countries that finished in a better position already had tickets for Paris, it won the place for the 2024 Olympic Games. The Brazilians, led by rider Luciana Diniz and 'Vertigo du Desert', completed a perfect ride.
But it was the German team that took first place in this Nations Cup final and, consequently, the victory. The German show jumping team completed a perfect participation in the Nations Cup to beat, with a difference thanks to three zeros, France and the reigning champions, Belgium. Achieving this way, their second Nations Cup title in Barcelona, after the one won in 2016.
Although the first German rider Jana Wargers with 'Dorette' signed a double penalty, her eight points were discarded after her compatriots Christian Kukuk with 'Checker 47', Hans-Dieter Dreher and 'Elysium' and Richard Vogel with the equine 'United Touch S' did not make any mistakes.